

phone: 01614648658

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to feed my cat Halal meat?

At Tiana, our ethos is that your cats should eat as well as you do. We launched Tiana to provide Muslim cat owners around the world with the reassurance that no Haram meat is entering their homes as It is not permissible to feed animals with pet food that contains haram meat. So you can feel guilt free when feeding your furry friend.


Is Tiana certified 100% Halal?

Yes. All the meat in our products is 100% certified Halal meat.


What quality of meat do we use?

All the meat in our cat food is certified as Human Grade. This means that all the meat sourced for our products has faced the same high standard of quality control checks and preparation process as the meat you can buy for yourself in the supermarket.

By creating our cat food with such a high standard of meat, we have separated ourselves from most mainstream cat food manufacturers by ensuring that the meat in our products is as nutritious and healthy for your cat as possible.


Where do we source our meat from?

All of the Halal meat in Tiana products is proudly sourced in the UK.


What are the ingredients in Tiana cat food?

Our products only contain 5 nutritious and natural ingredients; Halal Meat, Broccoli, Carrots, Spinach & Herbs.


Why freeze dried?

We use state of the art freeze drying technology to ensure all our products retain the full amount of vitamins, nutrients and minerals as they did when they were fresh. Over time, cat food can lose nutrients and by freeze drying when it’s fresh we can ensure that all the goodness is locked in. To unlock the goodness, simply add water!

For the full instructions for our cat food, be sure to read the box and enclosed instructions after you receive your order.


Why grain free cat food?

At Tiana, we believe in putting your cat's nutrition and health at the forefront. We noticed that many leading cat food brands bulk out their products with large amounts of grains and cereals as an unethical cost saving strategy.

Grains are not easily digested by cats and are not a part of their natural diet. Grains can in fact create numerous health problems for cats including allergies, digestive issues, itching and stomach upset.

Cats are natural carnivores and thrive the most when the majority of their protein comes from meat; your furry friend is still just like the big cats in the wild! This is why the main ingredient in our cat food will always be high quality 100% certified Halal meat.


Why natural cat food?

Natural ingredients are the best way to keep your cat happy and healthy. Cats are not evolved to consume high levels of artificial colours, flavourings or grains. This is why we have ensured our food is free from all of those pesky bad guys and have blended our products with only 5 natural ingredients; Halal meat, vegetables and herbs.


How do I introduce my cat to Tiana?

It’s always important to introduce your cat to new food gradually so it isn’t a sudden change, even when it’s a great change!

Our experts recommend following these steps when introducing your cat to Tiana.



Is Tiana cat food suitable for kittens?

All our food can be enjoyed by kittens aged 12 weeks and over. Our products are packed full of high quality protein, vegetables and herbs which are great for kittens when they are just a little bit older.


Why do we use vegetables?

While cats are natural carnivores and are at their healthiest when consuming a majority meat diet, they still need a small amount of fibre in their diets. That’s why we’ve included some delicious carrots, broccoli, spinach & herbs into our cat food to deliver all the nutritional fibre and vitamins that your cat needs without adding any unhealthy grains and cereals.


Do cats need carbohydrates?

Cats are their healthiest when consuming a diet consisting mostly of meat. Your furry friend has a lot in common with the big cats in the wild, and has not evolved to require any form of carbohydrates in their diet. Infact, carbohydrates used in many leading cat food brands such as cereals and grains can cause multiple health complications including digestive issues and allergies - which is why we’ve included none!


Where can I buy Tiana cat food?

Tiana is currently only available on our website, but we’re excited to be in talks with some retailers to stock our products in the near future. If you are a retailer interested in selling Tiana in your stores, please feel free to contact us here.


Do we ship internationally?

We currently only ship domestically within the UK, but we are excited to be offering international shipping very soon. If you’re hoping to see Tiana shipped to your country, let us know here.


Is my order tracked?

All orders are sent by Royal Mail Tracked services, so you can track your cat's goodies every step of the way! If you need a special delivery, meaning next day service or Saturday service you can get in touch with us and we'll be happy to help.


I haven’t received my order. What can I do?

We’re sorry to hear you are having issues with receiving your order. If 3-5 working days have passed and you still haven’t received your Tiana order, please contact us here.


Do we offer free delivery?

We’re more than happy to offer free delivery for large orders, get in touch with us here!


Is it permissible to feed my pet kitten tinned meat, sometimes it is beef, mince etc and it is haram meat. Will I be sinning if I feed her Haram meat?

It is not permissible to feed animals with pet food that contains haram meat.As an alternative, you may consider purchasing and feeding animals with non-meat pet food or prepare and feed animals with pet food using halal meat and ingredients. You may consider feeding animals with your leftover food which will not go to waste and the animals will be fed.

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Muhammad Haris Siddiqui

Student Darul Iftaa
Melbourne, Australia

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

Who is Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu)

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu) is a famous Sahabi. His name Hurairah is derived from the Arabic word “Hirrah” which means cat. He was known as the “the kitten man,” literally “the father of a kitten” because he was fond of cats and since his childhood often had a cat to play with.

And Allah knows best


Ml. Ebrahim Desai,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa

Can I feed a pet , pet food bought from the supermarket?

If the pet in reference is a dog, then we wish to point out that it is not permissible to keep a dog as a pet. It will only be permissible to keep a dog for hunting, guarding, farming etc. Nevertheless, the pet-food that is sold in the supermarkets contains Haram ingredients such as meat which is not slaughtered according to the laws of Shari’a. Such meat is considered as carrion hence, it will not be permissible to purchase such food or to feed it to animals. (Fatawa Hindiya, vol. 5 pg. 361, Maktaba Rashidiya / Fatawa Rahimiya, vol. 9 pg. 138, Dar al-Isha’at)

As an alternative, you can consider purchasing non-meat pet food for animals if available, prepare your own dog food with Halal ingredients or feed the animals your leftovers. In this manner the food will not go to waste and the animal will be fed.

And Allah knows best


Ml. Yusuf bin Yaqub,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa